Echinaforce Forte 40's

A. Vogel Echinaforce® Forte Echinacea 40 tablets - herbal remedy for colds and flu

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A. Vogel (Bioforce)
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A. Vogel Echinaforce® Forte Echinacea 40 tablets - herbal remedy for colds and flu

Echinaforce® Forte is a licensed traditional herbal remedy for colds and flu. Echinaforce® Forte (750mg) is a higher strength echinacea tablet compared to our original 250mg echinacea tablets.

A. Vogel's Echinacea is produced using extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown Echinacea purpurea herb and root, picked fresh and used within 24 hours of harvest.

Helps fight the misery of colds and flu
High strength Echinacea tablet
Made from freshly harvested Echinacea purpurea herb and root

Echinaforce® is a traditional herbal remedy used for the symptomatic relief of colds, influenza type infections and similar upper respiratory tract conditions. Always read the leaflet. 

Allergy advice: contains lactose

Important Notes:
- Products labelled gluten free, egg free and/or dairy free may still contain traces of allergens.
- Before use (or consumption if applicable) please always check the label/leaflet/manual of the product for allergens!

Gluten free

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Where can you buy real Echinaforce Forte 40's safely online?

If you are wondering where you can buy A. Vogel Echinaforce® Forte Echinacea 40 tablets - herbal remedy for colds and flu safely online in the UK, then shop with us.

We are an actual health foods shop; with real people selling real foods and products. Our award-winning independent shop is located in Stirling, Scotland since 1976. You can buy our Immune Support in store or safely place an order with us online or over the phone.

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